Camp WIN 2025

*Registration opens at 10 am on Monday, February 10.

MAY 27-30
Pembroke Hilll School (High school campus)

*Little Winners Half Day Camp ONLY for ages 6 & 7 ($150)

June 2-5
Pembroke Hilll School (High school campus)

*Full day camp for ages 7-12 ($300)

June 9-12
Notre Dame de Sion high school

*Full day camp for ages 7-12 ($300)


designed to IGNITE the lives of young girls
throughout the Kansas City area

Camp WIN presented by the Kansas City Royals Foundation introduces girls in the community to approximately 14 sports/fitness activities and daily lessons that ensure campers walk away with life skills that can translate both on and off the field. Campers learn about Belief, Effort, Resilience and Teamwork as they work through their lessons and push themselves to learn new sports.


Scholarships are available - please click here for more information and to apply.

Young women in middle school and high school serve as Team Captains and Coaches & Instructors come from local universities, colleges, high schools and other area organizations.

WIN for KC offers a fun, safe and encouraging environment for girls ages 6-12 to explore and learn these different activities. 

Little Winners Camp

Little Winners camp mimics Camp WIN but is a half-day version to focus on time parameters that benefit our youngest campers. Shorter sport sessions and shorter days allow campers to receive the same introduction into the sports world without an exhausting full day of activity that tends test their attention span boundaries. The camp has fewer campers to create a less intimidating environment for a first-time camp experience. Six-year-olds only have the option to attend Little Winners Camp, while seven-year-olds can attend Little Winners camp or either of the full day Camp WIN sessions. Camp will take place from 9 am to noon.

Registration includes:

All camp materials (including equipment for sports)
Lunch and two snacks daily
Camp WIN t-shirt & water bottle
LIVE ACTIVE workbook
Priceless memories!

REFUND POLICY: Camp registrations can be refunded until April 1. (We will not refund processing charges, only the camp registration fee). We will select campers off the waitlist to replace those who cancel until April 1. Beginning April 1, the waitlist will close and WIN for KC will only offer partial refunds (half of the registration fee) until May 1. After May 1 we will not offer any refunds. 

Team captain program

Instructors & Coaches

